2012년 9월 10일 월요일

week2-1) Discussion 2

1.Which ones are familiar to you? Which one are not familiary to you? 

Reading words aloud , Writing or copying the word , Synonyms, Antonyms, Parts of Words are familiar to me. On the other hands, pictures and drawings, sift on atention, Self-defining Context are not familiar to me.

2.Which ones do you think the most useful? Tell three methodologies you want to use for your students?

I think 'llustrative Sentences' is the most useful strategie in teaching vocabulary. I want to use 'llustrative Sentences', 'Pictures and Drawings' and 'Practice from Meaning to Expression' for my students. These atrategies can help me teach English words more quickly, effectively and easily.

3.What is lexical approach? Discuss Michael Lewis's four categories. How is this idea different from what you have known about language and language learning?

Lexical approach is a method related with teaching and learning languages initiated by Michael Lewis.
Michael Lewis challenged the standard view of dividing language teaching into grammar and vocabulary by arguing that language consists of lexical items. He treats them as belonging to four major categories. A relatively small group of lexical items is the words and polywords. A second category is collocations and a third category is fixed expressions, and a fourth, semi-fixed expressions.
I also think vocabulary is very inportant in leanring and teaching English but I have some different points of view with Michael Lewis. He treats a language as belonging to four major categories but I think language is organized by more than four major categories.

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