2012년 9월 10일 월요일

week2-1) Class Activities

Knowing voca?
1.Form- spoken, written, word parts, spelling, grammatical categories, pronunciaion,inflexible affix, suffix
2.Meaning- form and meaning, concept and referents,association definition
3.Use- grammatical fuctions, collocations, constraints on use, context

Traditional way of viewing language- from grammar - many words

Four basic types in Lexis- from Lexis - fixed expressions, words, collocations, semi-fixed expressions
1.Words- most familliar, largest category/single words which can stand alone/words where a single substitution produces a totally new meaning, polywords, multiple lexical items
2.Collocation- greater than random frequency/ partnership patterns/ range on a spectrum/arbitrary/ liguistic not thematic/ no-reciptocity 3.Fixed expression- social greetings/ politeness phrases/ 'phrase book'language/ idioms/
4.Semi-fixed expression- minimal variations/ spoken senteneces with a simple slot/ expressions with a slot which must be filled with a particular kind of slot filler/ sentence heads which can be completed in many ways/ more extended frames

Basic terms in Lexical approach
1.Corpus- 대규모 인터넷 베이스- Typical way teaching voca

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