2012년 9월 5일 수요일

week1-2) Discussion questions1


  1. CALL - in TESOL, Computer-assisted language learning, sometimes expanded as computer-aided language learning
  2. ICT - Information and Communication Technologies for LT (Language Teaching)                      information Technologies : Internet,video clips
                 communication Technologies : SNSs, e-mail, homepage, messengers
  3. MALL - Mobile Assisted Language Learning: learning with mobile devices like mobile phones, tablets, and mp3 players

•Why do teacher need to develop CALL knowledge? What knowledge do you think you need to know for the future language education?

CALL knowledge- PPT, pile downloading, pile uploading, typing practice program, creating movie clips, etc.

TESOL TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS- 성취기준 Standards for Language Teachers

•From Prof. Hubbard's categories what roles do you expect to play in CALL environment?

[ Prof. Hubbard's categories]

Teachers interested in using technology can get involved in a number of different ways, which can be seen as different teacher roles.
  • As researchers: into second language acquisition, human-computer interaction, what works for CALL 
  • As consumers of CALL for class use or for homework or other outside student activities
  • As directors, helping students find and use supplementary CALL materials or web resources 
  • As managers of computer-mediated communication among learners in and out of class 
  • As software or web developers, either "from scratch" or adding new materials to existing templates 
  • As coaches to help students develop software, websites, and general computer literacy 
  • As CALL experts for your program, helping other teachers and administrators with CALL implementations 
  • As CALL professionals, consulting on external projects, doing software reviews for journals, making conference presentations, writing papers, interpreting and applying CALL research, and/or providing input to the field at large. 

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