2012년 9월 26일 수요일

My favorite soccer player; Koo Ja-Cheol

My favorite soccer player is Koo Ja-Cheol, the 23 year-old midfielder who has been a star since his teenage years, from Korea’s U-18, U-20, and finally the U-23 national team, where he served as the team captain. The eighth youngest Korean player to ever debut with the senior national team (in 2008 vs China), Koo’s rapid ascension culminated in the 2011 Asian Cup, where he was the Golden Boot award winner (given to the player with most goals scored), scoring 5 goals to go along with 3 assists.
Koo likes to go shopping in his spare time in Germany. He is currently the honorary ambassador for The Republic of Korea Air Force. Koo is also a close friend with his teammate Ki Sung-Yueng, and they like to display their friendly, humorous conversations on Twitter. Ki revealed on the Korean TV show "Healing Camp" that Koo has a nickname called "Koogeulgeorim" or 구글거림 in Korean because of his sometimes goofy way of talking.

with his best friend, Ki Sung-Yeung

Ki sung yueng is widely regarded as one of the top young South Korean football prospects. His playing style has earned him the title of the "Korean Steven Gerrard".
Ki likes to stay in touch with fellow Korean football players using Twitter. He is close friends with Koo Ja-Cheol and Lee Chung-Yong.

week4-2) Class Activities

•Learn English Pod (British Council)

RSS= Really Simple Syndication


Oasis - Wonderwall;

Oasis - Wonderwall

Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now
Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now

and all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don't know how

Because maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

Today was gonna be the day?
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you now

And all the roads that lead to you were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
I don't know how

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

I Said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me

2012년 9월 24일 월요일

week4-1) Class Activities

1.Two listening techniques: top-down vs. bottom-up
     Top=Basic =Topics= Meaning
     Down                      =Form (linguistic elements- vowels, consonants, words, sentences)
2.Online tools and resources for listening

            1. Berkeley http://itunes.berkeley.edu/?
           2. Oxford http://itunes.ox.ac.uk/?
           3. Stanford http://itunes.ox.ac.uk/??
           4. Harvard Extension http://itunes.extension.harvard.edu/?
3.Group Review- [Manything's listening activities]



week 4-1) Discussion Questions 4

  • Explain the two listening techniques: top-down vs. bottom-up and tell us when you employ each technique for what purpose.
 Just like reading, in listening, there are also two simultaneous and complementary ways of processing a text. In top-down processing, learners use their prior knowledge to make predictions about the text. In bottom-up processing, learners rely on their linguistic knowledge to recognize linguistic elements -- vowels, consonants, words, sentences to do the construction of meaning.

Second-language listeners often revert to their knowledge of the topic and situation when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary or structures, so using top-down processing to compensate for difficulties in bottom-up processing. On the other hand, if a listener is unable to understand anything of what she hears, she will not even be able to establish the topic of conversation, so top-down processing will also be very limited.

I usually employ top-down techniques-Listening news, weather forecast, sports report, announcement, etc. on the radio/ Attending a lesson or seminar. I use bottom-up-processing Receiving instructions on how to do something, get somewhere/ Chatting at a party or other social gathering

  • What type of listening materials do you think good for top-down or bottom-up strategies? Review the listening materials and select some for each.
I think 'Listening to the News' is a good activity for top-down listening. A very useful starting point when students are developing listening skills for academic study is with the news. It could be Radios or the BBC World Service, but it could also be another radio station. The BBC provides excellent online news programmes, for example http://news.bbc.co.uk/ and http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/categories/news.There is also a really good website which contains interactive exercises on recent news stories at http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com.  in these websites, students can listen various news or lessons and get opportunities for live interaction.

If students try to start by making their listening to the news into a routine, they can improve their English listening skills. - listen to the same broadcast each and every day, at the same time. Just listen to a few minutes at first, and gradually extend listening as students feel they are getting better and more experienced.

  • What is podcasting? Discuss the benefits of doing podcasting for L2 learners.
 A podcast is a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of audio, video, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device. The word is a neologism derived from "broadcast" and "pod" from the success of the iPod, as podcasts are often listened to on portable media players.
There are some benefits of doing podcasting for L2 learners.Teachers can provide more various interesting and authentic materials.(not only from the textbook). Also students who are in more higher level can use more difficult materials, or additional tasks using podcasting.

2012년 9월 19일 수요일

week 3-2) Class Activities

Corpus Exercise 1

Look up the following transitive verbs in the dictionary. What patterns in objectives do you find?



Corpus Exercise 2

The following two words have a similar meaning. Compare them from both a dictionary and BNC concordance. The two words which have simillar meanings.

produce vs. yield

Yield- usually positive and neutral objects, formally use (data, survey findings, officially academic,etc.)

arise vs. occur
Arise-negative subject/ usewith the kind of language
 Occur- neutral

Corpus Exercise 3:sentence Anagram 

 1) Things much can't worse get.
Things can’t get much worse.

2) What we to there are supposed time get?
What time are we supposed to get there?

3) I you the very weren't happy impression got.
I got the impression you weren’t very happy.

4) We've we as as the for can far moment gotWe’ve got the moment as far as we can .

5) we be to don't anywhere seem getting.
We don’t seem to be getting anywhere.    

Online Book 


'찾기 (Ctrl+f) ' You can provide some examples to your students.



Movie Corpus (movie script)


2012년 9월 17일 월요일

week3-1) Class Activities


pay bill          make promise      give message
pay dept       make mistake     give discount
pay costs     make money      give expenses
pay service   make deal          give calculation
pay lunch      make invoice      give presentation

Large Corpus and Online Concordancers

1. Just the Word (good for finding collocation) http://www.just-the-word.com/

2.Google We can find out people prefer 'more tasty' to 'tastier' in google.

3.Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)  http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/

week3-1) Discussion Questions 3

1. Discuss the following terms:

  •  DDL-Data Driven Learning (DDL) an approach to language learning whereby the learner gains insights into the language that he/she is learning by using concordance programs to locate authentic examples of language in use. In DDL the learning process is no longer based solely on the teacher's initiative, his/her choice of topics and materials and the explicit teaching of rules, but on the learner's own discovery of rules, principles and patterns of usage in the foreign language. In other words, learning is driven by authentic language data.
  •  corpus/corpora  either just one text or a collection of texts.A corpus can also be just one student’s essay. How big a corpus one needs also depends on what it is to be used for.
  •  concordance An alphabetical list of the words in a book or a set of books which also says where each word can be found and often how it is used.

2. How can you gather English corpus data? Give us specific sources.

 There are a lot of sources to gather English corpus data . The easily accessible source is online concordancers and corpora. In this article we can get some great websites to create a KWIC concordance. If you click this hyperlink Websites, , you can use one of the online concordancers and corpora very easily.

3. What kinds of benefits can we expect in using corpus in English class.

Concordances can help teachers of languages. Language teachers can provide activities and materials that conform with native speakers’ use of the language. Using corpus in English class will make another type of teacher-role than the most traditional one. Contrary to teaching with traditional textbooks, exercise books and grammars, the teacher will often discover that a particularly productive “question” or activity brings up material and linguistic facts that neither student nor teacher expected.

4. Discuss the corpus-based activities that English learners and teachers can use.

The teacher can generate exercises based on examples drawn from a variety of corpora, for example gap-filling exercises and tests. Also the teacher can use a concordancer to find examples of authentic usage to demonstrate features of vocabulary, typical collocations, a point of grammar or even the structure of a text. Students can work out rules of grammar or usage and lexical features for themselves by searching for key words in context.

2012년 9월 12일 수요일

week2-2) Eclipsecrossword

week2-2) Class Activities

     Free Online dictionaries
  • OneLook Dictionary http://www.onelook.com/
  • FreeDictionary (Thesaurus, other classified dictionaries ) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/semihard
  • Cambridge Online Dictionary http://dictionary.cambridge.org/results.asp?searchword=girl&dict=B
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary http://www.m-w.com/mw/home.htm
  • Dictionary of English Idioms & Idiomatic Expression http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/
  • IdiomSite http://www.idiomsite.com/
  • The Phrase Finder http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/a.html
  • Visuwords http://www.visuwords.com/(new! from TESOL 2012)
Visuwords http://www.visuwords.com/(new! from TESOL 2012)

•Wordsmith's Glossary Maker / http://www.wordsmyth.net  

2012년 9월 10일 월요일

week2-1) Class Activities

Knowing voca?
1.Form- spoken, written, word parts, spelling, grammatical categories, pronunciaion,inflexible affix, suffix
2.Meaning- form and meaning, concept and referents,association definition
3.Use- grammatical fuctions, collocations, constraints on use, context

Traditional way of viewing language- from grammar - many words

Four basic types in Lexis- from Lexis - fixed expressions, words, collocations, semi-fixed expressions
1.Words- most familliar, largest category/single words which can stand alone/words where a single substitution produces a totally new meaning, polywords, multiple lexical items
2.Collocation- greater than random frequency/ partnership patterns/ range on a spectrum/arbitrary/ liguistic not thematic/ no-reciptocity 3.Fixed expression- social greetings/ politeness phrases/ 'phrase book'language/ idioms/
4.Semi-fixed expression- minimal variations/ spoken senteneces with a simple slot/ expressions with a slot which must be filled with a particular kind of slot filler/ sentence heads which can be completed in many ways/ more extended frames

Basic terms in Lexical approach
1.Corpus- 대규모 인터넷 베이스- Typical way teaching voca

week2-1) Discussion 2

1.Which ones are familiar to you? Which one are not familiary to you? 

Reading words aloud , Writing or copying the word , Synonyms, Antonyms, Parts of Words are familiar to me. On the other hands, pictures and drawings, sift on atention, Self-defining Context are not familiar to me.

2.Which ones do you think the most useful? Tell three methodologies you want to use for your students?

I think 'llustrative Sentences' is the most useful strategie in teaching vocabulary. I want to use 'llustrative Sentences', 'Pictures and Drawings' and 'Practice from Meaning to Expression' for my students. These atrategies can help me teach English words more quickly, effectively and easily.

3.What is lexical approach? Discuss Michael Lewis's four categories. How is this idea different from what you have known about language and language learning?

Lexical approach is a method related with teaching and learning languages initiated by Michael Lewis.
Michael Lewis challenged the standard view of dividing language teaching into grammar and vocabulary by arguing that language consists of lexical items. He treats them as belonging to four major categories. A relatively small group of lexical items is the words and polywords. A second category is collocations and a third category is fixed expressions, and a fourth, semi-fixed expressions.
I also think vocabulary is very inportant in leanring and teaching English but I have some different points of view with Michael Lewis. He treats a language as belonging to four major categories but I think language is organized by more than four major categories.

2012년 9월 5일 수요일



week1-2) Discussion questions1


  1. CALL - in TESOL, Computer-assisted language learning, sometimes expanded as computer-aided language learning
  2. ICT - Information and Communication Technologies for LT (Language Teaching)                      information Technologies : Internet,video clips
                 communication Technologies : SNSs, e-mail, homepage, messengers
  3. MALL - Mobile Assisted Language Learning: learning with mobile devices like mobile phones, tablets, and mp3 players

•Why do teacher need to develop CALL knowledge? What knowledge do you think you need to know for the future language education?

CALL knowledge- PPT, pile downloading, pile uploading, typing practice program, creating movie clips, etc.

TESOL TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS- 성취기준 Standards for Language Teachers

•From Prof. Hubbard's categories what roles do you expect to play in CALL environment?

[ Prof. Hubbard's categories]

Teachers interested in using technology can get involved in a number of different ways, which can be seen as different teacher roles.
  • As researchers: into second language acquisition, human-computer interaction, what works for CALL 
  • As consumers of CALL for class use or for homework or other outside student activities
  • As directors, helping students find and use supplementary CALL materials or web resources 
  • As managers of computer-mediated communication among learners in and out of class 
  • As software or web developers, either "from scratch" or adding new materials to existing templates 
  • As coaches to help students develop software, websites, and general computer literacy 
  • As CALL experts for your program, helping other teachers and administrators with CALL implementations 
  • As CALL professionals, consulting on external projects, doing software reviews for journals, making conference presentations, writing papers, interpreting and applying CALL research, and/or providing input to the field at large. 

2012년 9월 3일 월요일

week1-1) Use of Multimedia in ELT

The first class 'Use of Multimedia in ELT' of the second semester has begun.

I'm very excited about the new semester, new lecture, and new class room!