2012년 10월 10일 수요일

Vocaroo Voice Message

Vocaroo Voice Message

Record audio or upload mp3 >>

Vocaroo is a CALL tool to record your voice and then simply share it with others. The new feature of Vocaroo also lets you upload different audio formats and share it with your audience. You can retry it as many times as you want if you do not like your recording.  With a microphone, you can create your own podcast and share it via Facebook, Twitter or send it to an email. You can also embed the audio to your blog or your website or just download it to your computer by following the link on the page.

Vocaroo is a great tool to support listening and speaking skills in and out of the classroom. We can also motivate introvert students to talk and practice the language not only in the classroom but also when they are at home as well.

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