2011년 6월 12일 일요일

5-paragraph Essay

5-paragraph Essay

Introductory paragraph

The introductory paragraph should also include the thesis statement, a kind of mini-outline for the essay. This is where the writer grabs the reader's attention. It tells the reader what the paper is about. The last sentence of this paragraph must also include a transitional "hook" which moves the reader to the first paragraph of the body of the essay.

Body - First paragraph

The first paragraph of the body should include the strongest argument, most significant example, cleverest illustration, or an obvious beginning point. The first sentence should contain the "reverse hook" which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the introductory paragraph. The subject for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This subject should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the second paragraph of the body.

Body - Second paragraph

The second paragraph of the body should include the second strongest argument, second most significant example, second cleverest illustration, or an obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should contain the reverse hook, which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the first paragraph of the body. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph of the body.

Body - Third paragraph

The third paragraph of the body should include the weakest argument, weakest example, weakest illustration, or an obvious follow up to the second paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should contain the reverse hook, which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the second paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this essay. This hook also leads into the concluding paragraph.

Concluding paragraph

The fifth paragraph is the summary paragraph. It is important to restate the thesis and three supporting ideas in an original and powerful way as this is the last chance the writer has to convince the reader of the validity of the information presented.

2011년 6월 10일 금요일

The Evolution of English Vocabulary

How is it that English has such a huge vocabulary, larger than any other language on earth? In addition to various word formation mechanisms existing in other languages, such as onomatopoeia, derivation, affixation, compounding and functional extension, the major source for the large variety of English words is its dramatic history. The 1,600 years of English existence have been witness to massive revolutionary changes in the language as it mixed with and continuously borrowed from other languages, with which it came into contact.

Early English roots trace back to the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons to Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries resulting in Old English being mainly Germanic. 83% of the most common 1000 words in today's English are of Anglo-Saxon origin.

Old English

• nouns: house, mother, father ,cow, God, gold, work, land, winter
• verbs: be, have, do, say, come, make
• adjectives: good, new, and long
• function words: he, of, him, for, and, under, on

Already in this period of Old English, the language began applying its inclination to ravenously borrow words from other languages. From the native Celts, it took clan, bin, gull, and crag, as well as names for places and rivers (Dover, Kent, Severn, and Thames). Latin words arrived even earlier with the Roman conquest of 43 B.C. (cheese, cup, kitchen, plant, street, wine). A later wave of Latin words was brought with Christian monks and missionaries seeking to convert the Anglo-Saxons, enriching the language with both religious and secular words, such as abbot, altar, acolyte, candle, martyr, Mass, and lily.

The next addition to the vocabulary to close the Old English period resulted from the Viking invasions to Britain during the 8th and 9th centuries. These newcomers, who had settled alongside the Anglo-Saxons, contributed Old Norse vocabulary such as the following:

From Old Norse: flat, cake, take, get, call, husband, want, cut, both, ugly, fellow, hit, odd, egg, sister, law, leg, rag, window, die, are (form of the verb be)

• words beginning with sk sound: scorch, scrape, scrub, skill, and sky
• The personal pronouns: they, their, them

Synonymous word sets such as those presented above already show up in this period: sick vs. ill, shirt vs. skirt, wrath vs. anger, rear vs. raise, hide vs. skin, the first Anglo-Saxon, the second Old Norse, respectively. The all-in-all contribution of words from Germanic origins (Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse etc.) amounts to about 23% of the current English vocabulary.

The year 1066 marked the dramatic transition to Middle English, with William the Conqueror, king of Normandy in Western France, drawing his army into Britain. Old French thus became the spoken language of the ruling classes: the nobles, bankers, lawmakers, and scholars; the peasants and lower classes spoke Anglo-Saxon and some surviving Celtic dialects; the clergy used Latin. In the coming 400 years, Middle English gradually overthrew French and became the language of all classes, but words for government, religion, food, law, art, literature, and medicine are originally French.

From Norman French: parliament, justice, crime, marriage, money, ornament, art, pleasure, joy, rent

The parallel usage of several languages has resulted in some famous duplicate and triplicate synonym sets. For instance, kingly (from Old English), royal (from French), and regal (from Latin). As well as house-mansion, wood-forest, answer-reply, yearly-annual, room-chamber, wish-desire, might-power, worthy-honorable, and bold-courageous (the former from Old-English, the latter from French, respectively).

Another fascinating example of the social divide between language users of Middle English is shown in nouns denoting different kinds of meats. The English speaking peasants who raised the animals used the Anglo-Saxon words (swine/pig, sheep, ox, cow, calf, deer), whereas the French speaking elite, who could afford eating these meats regularly, used the French equivalents (pork, bacon, mutton, beef, veal, venison, respectively). Today, these duplicates remain in common use in modern English, using different words for the animals and the meats produced from them. The contribution of both Norman and Modern French to English is estimated in about 29% of the current vocabulary.

The Renaissance arrived to England in around 1500 with a burst of literary works being published in Early Modern English thanks to the developments in mass printing. It was only at this time that some initial consolidation was beginning to occur in the language's vocabulary. After centuries of the church dictating religious guidelines for the cultural and spiritual life of Europeans, an increased nostalgic interest in the humanistic values of ancient Greece and Rome produced a torrent of unparalleled creativity.

Scholarly research was written in Latin, as English was considered poor in vocabulary and too crude for expressing abstract ideas. A large portion of such words was originally Latin but entered English through their French manifestation. The education of children, however, was now being carried out in English. This entailed the use of new words from Greek, while Latin continued to be a steady source of vocabulary.

From Greek: democracy, hexagon, monogamy, physics, rhythm, theory
From Latin: client, conviction, index, library, medicine, orbit, recipe

Key cultural achievements of this period were the first official publication of the Bible in English (the Saint James Bible) and the immense corpus of William Shakespeare's literary enterprise, and that of other writers. Shakespeare contributed a wealth of newly coined and/or borrowed English words.

From William Shakespeare: courtship, bedroom, discontent, accused, addiction, amazement, assassination, critic, employer, engagements, savagery, transcendence, urging, watchdog, zany

The word set for naming a person riding a horse provides an illustrative interim summary for the development of English vocabulary up to this point. The simplest option is rider (from the Anglo-Saxon ritter, horseman entered through the influence of the Vikings' Old Norse *hross. Knight, originally Old English *cniht, began being used around 1300. Cavalier (from French chevalier), or the elegantly elevated equestrian, directly derived from Latin, comprise the more elevated choices here.

With more published material in English, England's rise to power under Elizabeth 1, and increased English influence on international business and trade, diplomacy, and colonialism, English was brought to the fore as the national language of England, proudly used by all the English people. The year 1650 marks the transition into the Modern English period. Further factors contributed to the growth of English as a powerful language. Political upheavals led to the rise of port towns and former lower classes that further strengthened common English usage. The publication of the first comprehensive and official dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson in 1755 began the process of canonizing the written language. As education in English was now being offered to the masses, who also enjoyed access to libraries in English, more and more people could enrich their vocabularies and improve their English language aptitude.

The scientific revolution and renewed interest in the classics during the 19th century have opened the gate for yet another wave of scientific and technical terms for newly found concepts and discoveries – all derived from Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes. The current proportion of Latin words in English is 29%, while Greek contributes about 6%.

From Latin: aquarium, binoculars, radioactive, ambiguous, intermission, itinerary, rejuvenate, supersonic, quadrangle, submarine, multitude, linguistic
From Greek: Zoology, philanthropy, bacteria, chlorophyll, psychosis, cholesterol, cyanide, chromosome, metamorphosis, thermometer, trauma, xenophobia, telegraph, telephone, polymer, orthodoxy

The British colonization of North America, Australia and parts of Asia and Africa has resulted in the creation of whole continents speaking English, which in turn has been enriched by the mother tongues of locals and immigrants. In 1828, Noah Webster published the first official dictionary of American English, which established differences in spelling between British and American English and further paved the way to differences in vocabulary between these two language varieties. The rise of the mass media during the 20th century: newspapers, cinema, radio, television and The Internet have given the latest push to English in becoming a global language, as English is the main language used. This in turn brings more words into English from just about any other language on the planet but also has the potential to disintegrate English itself to new emerging local English varieties.

A steady influx of international words has been coming in during the past two centuries. Just think about the words for all food sorts introduced form each origin language! The following table presents some common examples:

From Spanish: aficionado, amigo, burrito, canyon, caramba, cargo, embargo, guacamole, guitar, macho, marijuana, mustang, poncho, pueblo, rodeo, taco, plaza, vanilla
From Modern French: caf, lingerie, connoisseur , coup d'atat, en route, hors d'auvre, panache, sabotage, envelope, and avalanche, not to mention chic, vis-a-vis, attach, and a la carte, bon voyage, rendezvous
From German: kindergarten, poodle, yodel, blitzkrieg, zeitgeist, angst, delicatessen, hamburger, schnitzel
From Dutch: brandy, yacht, waffle, apartheid, boss, cookie, dam, drill, tattoo, cruiser
From Italian: balcony, casino, umbrella, balloon, carnival, ghetto, graffiti, Madonna, Mezzanine, spaghetti, pasticcio, cappuccino, (and many other foods), concert, piano, maestro, soprano, andante, opera (and other musical terms)
From Arabic: alcohol, algebra, candy, lemon, azimuth, elixir, giraffe, gazelle, sugar
From the languages of India: chutney, bandana, curry, amok polo, bungalow, jungle, loot, shampoo, pajamas
From Japanese: futon, tycoon, kimono, Ninja, Karaoke, Zen, karate, sushi, bonsai, origami
From African languages: banana, yam, voodoo, banjo, chimpanzee, zebra
From Native American languages: chipmunk, moccasin, tipi (also spelled teepee), skunk, squash, pecan, persimmon, skunk, totem, quinine, avocado, chocolate, wigwam, raccoon, tomato, hurricane
From languages of the Pacific boomerang, kangaroo, sarong, ketchup, koala, kiwi

In sum, other languages than Germanic, French, Latin and Greek have contributed 6% to the vocabulary of English, while the 4 % remaining derive from proper names.
The riches of the English vocabulary allow us to use a vast array of word synonyms to express subtle nuances in meaning. Familiarity with the origins of the words and their shades of meaning can help you make the right choice in your English writing. Do you have a job, profession, occupation, vocation, or calling? Does your boyfriend seem male, manly, macho, virile or masculine?

About English Punctuation

About English Punctuation

Out of the many important elements of writing, punctuation may be the most essential. Punctuation helps direct us through written language with its system of symbols and the rules for using them. Correct usage of punctuation symbols like commas and periods, as well as spaces, capital letters and many other conventions, help the reader avoid confusion and understand more clearly what the writer has intended. Punctuation also affects the rhythm of how a sentence is read, as well as the actual meaning of the writing.

To really understand how important proper punctuation is, look at the following simple sentence:
I did it.
With the period at the end, it is a basic statement of fact. If we change the period to an exclamation point - I did it! - there is a distinct sense of pride from accomplishing something. And with a question mark at the end - I did it? - the writer expresses wonderment and disbelief in having done something.

These minute changes in punctuation alter the entire tone and meaning of the basic sentence. And these three punctuation marks - the period, exclamation point, and question mark - exemplify only a tiny part of the vast amount of power that lies in correct punctuation.

Because of the importance of English punctuation, you need a trustworthy resource for proofreading your valuable work. WhiteSmoke is the comprehensive resource to trust for all of your writing needs. In addition to a punctuation check, WhiteSmoke contains a smart algorithm that assesses your entire text instantly. From this assessment and WhiteSmoke's corrections, you will have writing that follows grammar rules, has correct spelling, and even enrichments of synonyms and descriptive adjectives and adverbs. All of this in one online writing software WhiteSmoke, the best buy with your money.

England and Britain

What is the difference between England and Britain (or Great Britain)? Three countries make up Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. So England is part of Great Britain, and a Scotsman (a person of Scottish origin) is British, too. A person born in Wales is Welsh, and they are British, too. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, or “the UK”. So the UK is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the last of which is not part of Great Britain. The formal name of the country is the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, but in everyday speech Britain is often used to mean the UK, though, as you have seen, this is not perfectly correct. The word “great” was added to “Britain” several hundred years ago, in the Middle Ages, when the English kings had lands in what is now France, and a certain part of it was called Britanny. To avoid confusion, they added the word “great” to the name of the land which was larger.

English Materials


English is a West Germanic language related to Dutch, Frisian and German with a significant amount of vocabulary from French, Latin, Greek and many other languages.
English evolved from the Germanic languages brought to Britain by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and other Germanic tribes, which are known collectively as Anglo-Saxon or Old English. Old English began to appear in writing during the early 8th century AD.
Approximately 341 million people speak English as a native language and a further 267 million speak it as a second language in over 104 countries including the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, American Samoa, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Botswana, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands and Denmark.

English alphabet


Vowels and diphthongs

This chart shows the vowels and diphthongs used in standard varieties of English spoken in the USA, Australia, England, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Scotland and Wales. There is significant variation in the vowel sounds used within most of these countries, and in other countries where English is spoken.


AmE = American English (General American), AuE = Australian English, BrE = British English (RP), CaE = Canadian English, IrE = Irish English, NZE = New Zealand English, SAE = South African English, ScE = Scottish English, WeE = Welsh English


Germanic languages

Afrikaans, Alsatian, Cimbrian, Danish, Dutch, Elfdalian, English, Faroese, Frisian, German, Gothic, Icelandic, Low German / Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Norn, Norwegian, Old English, Old Norse, Scots, Swedish, Yiddish

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2011년 5월 30일 월요일


10 Tips on How to Approach Grammar Exercises

10 Tips on How to Approach Grammar Exercises

1. Make sure you use as many kinds of grammar exercises in textbooks and websites so you get to target as many grammar skills as possible.

2. Always read the instructions well and make sure you know which language structures or grammar rules you are supposed to use in each exercise.

3. In sentence fill-ins, always read the whole sentence up to its end, understand the context, and only then address the grammar point at hand.

4. In longer cloze passages (paragraphs with missing words to complete), read at least 5 lines without completing anything in order to get clues from the context. These clues will help you with the grammar completions.

5. Do not over-drill simple one sentence grammar exercises. Try to get context-based full-text exercises that include your target language structure. These should be real-life texts, such as a letter to a friend or a paragraph detailing DVD instructions.

6. Try and actively use every new structure you learn in free speech and in writing. Make a checklist of structures you want to master in order to make sure you include them in your English writing.

7. Some language students get too obsessed with grammar and neglect vocabulary, reading, and writing activities. You must realize that grammar without vocabulary is like a necklace without colorful beads – boring…

8. Make sure you constantly review and recycle previously learned grammar structures with the new ones you learn. Practice with exercises in a rising level of difficulty as even simple grammar rules can be implemented in more advanced and complicated contexts.

9. Get hold of, or better yet, create your own grammar tables for reviewing. Have these tables in easy access when doing new grammar exercises.

10. Another good grammar exercise is to identify grammar structures in your reading and trying to explain why the author has chosen them over other structures.

Grammar is an important part of a language and is very important for a well written piece of writing.

2011년 5월 28일 토요일

TED:Michael Sandel: What's the right thing to do?

 In these days, I read a bookJustice which is very hard to understand his real intention. The book is based on a course Sandel teaches at Harvard. More than 14,000 students have taken the course, making it one of the most highly attended in Harvard's history. Sandel explains theories of justice based on utilitarianism (minimize social harm), libertarianism (maximize personal freedom) and communitarianism (cultivate civic virtue). When I was a high school student, I learned the theories in 윤리 classes. As a result, I can read easier than friends who didnt study 윤리. We can read the ideas of Aristotle, Jeremy Bentham, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, Robert Nozick and John Rawls.

My opinion about groups like the Innocence Project.

 In class of ‘Enalgish 1’, we debated about groups like the Innocence Project. So I wrote my opinion about the discussion.

 I disagree with the idea that groups like the Innocence Project not exist. First, organizations can exonerate falsely convicted people through scientific proof. They help someone who has no one to complain to about the unjust situation s/he is in. Next, groups can motivate polices and investigators to make a thorough investigation. The activities of the groups make people think that the accuracy of evidence investigated by police and investigators is doubtful. To avoid suspicions, polices and investigators find more accurate evidence and determine the more exact cause of crimes. In addition, groups make lawyers judge someone guilty through more precise and clearer evidence. By following these reasons, a lot of non-profit legal groups are important and significant. To continue non-profit groups like Innocence Project, individuals should support them financially. Groups require not only donations from private individuals but also government support.



 We had a class with a diplomat who was educated by Professor Bea J.H. I think a diplomat is important job. A diplomat is a person appointed by a country to conduct diplomacy with another country or international organization. Diplomats work for their country in on embassy. Diplomats negotiate with the countries of sojourn on behalf of their country to protect the commercial interests of their country and their nationals residing in a foreign country in case of danger. They promote cultural exchanges among nations and help to maintain friendly relations between the two countries. To be a capable diplomat, they need knowledge of foreign languages, decision-making skills and judgment abilities. Also they should be able to negotiate and create harmonious relationships. I think diplomats are very significant job. Their decisions or behaviors influence the countries of sojourn. If their deeds serve as an example for others, nationals in the countries of sojourn suppose that an impression of their nation is good.

2011년 5월 27일 금요일


The day was a last day of LUCAUS!
I had no class but I went to school with my high school friend . We are very surprised all students ware the blue t-shirts and held the blue sticks. It made the very wonderful blue waves~! I sat the seat with my seniors and friends of English Education together. We enjoyed the festival. I can't forger today!

Commercial Success in our Bar!

We made preparations for bar before the day .

We made many foods and snacks served with alcoholic beverages such as Kimchi pancakes,  rolled-up eggs and sausages. My friends were very good cooks all! Their foods were very delicious and good- shape. We avertised while we walked around the school~ We told loudly "We will open the bar at 8'O clock". The outcome of our bar was very successful~! There were so many people, I didn't have time to break because orders were too many! I was so happy that we made Commercial Success in our Bar!

2011년 5월 24일 화요일

Making posters for promoting a Bar

 We met 은현, 진주, 성아, 희재 to make posters for promoting a bar managed by my department, English edution ! In the E.E.room,  we drew, painted and handwrote. Decorating posters was a little difficult but very fun~we were proud when we posted them on the wall.

TEE policy in Korea and Teacher attitude to TEE


Yes, TEE
1.can develop listening skills.
2.reduces the cost of pritical education.
3.helps understanding of target language culture.
4.enhances learners' concentration.

1.lowers motivation and interest on English.-high affective filter.
2.miscommucation involved.
3.ineffeicient learning.
4. ineffective delivery of lecture (ex.voca)

1.teach two cultures together.
2.can teach English in Korean way
3.give more comfort
4.can teach grammar better
5.have more understanding od students.

1.provide better input. (ex, pron)
2.can  explain language better in Englidh(more effectially).
3.have good cultural background.

2011년 5월 15일 일요일


11.05.13  Sunny, the movie making me nostalgic

After party "The day of teacher", I went to the TIMESQUARE in "영등포" with 은현, 진주, 나정, 소은. We almost always played near 흑석, so we were excited to play in 영등포. We arrive in TIMESQUARE at noon, so we ate lunch there. The food was very delicious but too expensive. When we waited for food and ate food, we told about our department, English education, about festival held at the day before, about friends, and about future. We could chat franker, because we were only girls who like to chat with friends. After lunch, we went to theater on the 6 floor. ‘Sunny’ was very touching story that moved many of us to tears, also it was pleasant and funny. While the movie played, we laughed merrily and cheerfully. 진주 cried drops of tears not because of a tragic scene but because of a funny scene that a girl who is main character in Sunny cusses and shouts like her grandmother. After seeing the movie, we went to café to chat about movie. Then we went to shopping, but we had no money so we couldn’t buy many clothes. Today was the unforgettable day. I will go many dog place with my friends~!

The movie made me miss for old days when I was a high school student. I wanted to go back the past, also I wanted to meet my friends! The movie was good movie for many mothers, because the settings of it are in 1970s. I recommend the movie to my mother to see with her high school friends.

2011년 5월 14일 토요일

developing my self-access learning blog

• Talk about developing your self-access learning blog. What functions and resources are you interested in?

Making and developing myself-access learning blog is a very unfamiliar and new studying method to me. Many activities in my blog help me prove my English skills and use practical English. Various and interesting activities include posting pictures or videos that might be about everything without limit. In addition, we can write diaries and many data written by English. We can also design SALB freely and post something called by ‘gadget’ that include very various fields such as about studying English, for fun or dictionaries.

• What barriers do you perceive? What do you attempt to especially emphasize in designing your SALB?

When I do not have time to manage my blog reguarly, it is a hard and inefficient method to study English. It takes a long time to post materials and manage blog. Posting material about English regularly is a little complicated work.

I attempt to emphasize much information about English in designing my blog. I post lots of gadgets about English such as vocabulary, English saying or dictionaries.

• Write and submit the details of your SALB plan on your blog. Your plan should include:

o Purpose
to study English. I want to practice writing English by posting many journals and diaries,
to share my interest with my friends. My favorite singers, movies..  
o Organizations (subcategories)
- journals - diaries -interviews -materials of English
o List of Links in each category 
a lot of Links- news, English words of Toeic, Toefl, English dictionaries, saying of English, search engines, o Planning (how to use it),
 I will post many materials of English, diaries that include my life in univercity, Ted videos reguarly. When I write the diaries, I can go into training to write such as vocaburaly, grammar etc.


Do you do Cyworld? Tell me how you do. Explain what you you like about Cyworld (strengths) and what you do not like about it (Weaknesses)

I started CYWORLD when I was in middle school. Every day I check comments written in my Cyworld homepage and look around my friends’ Cyworld homepages.

Cyworld provides many services. Cyworld users can post lots of materials such as pictures, videos and diaries. We share our various posting with one another. In addition, we can scrape the materials posted in Cyworld homepages that are managed by other people. As a result, we can see pictures, videos and diaries that can help us touch with acquaintances who are busy to meet in person.

There is much strength in managing the Cyworld homepage. First, it gives communicating chances users one another. I don’t have much time to meet my high school friends, but I can touch them by the Cyworld. In addition, we can contact people who are in abroad or far from where we are. Next, the Cyworld gives many pleasers when I am boring. However, we can look ever Cyworld homepages without limits. Therefore the Cyworld might aggravate people invade others’ privacies. In Cyworld, we can buy BGM music, skins or decorations, so we spend money wastefully to decorate homepages.

2011년 5월 10일 화요일

prezi! so funny

 We studied about Prezi, a web-based presentation application in class. It’s very easy and useful to make videos. Photos, videos and other presentation objects are placed on the infinite screen. I practiced this program and made a short storytelling that was very not good because I was first time to use it. It was very exciting and interesting, because I can place many materials where I want to on the infinite canvas.


2011년 4월 12일 화요일

my plan

✿ 10년 계획 ✿

*10년 후에 하고 싶은 일
 어느 고등학교의 영어선생님이 되어서 수많은 학생들에게 영어를 가르치고 싶습니다. 그 때엔 아마도 2년차의 새내기 선생님이지만 학생들에게 열정적으로 영어를 잘 가르치고 싶습니다. 학생들에게 제가 영어를 쉽고 재미있게 가르쳐주시는 선생님, 영어발음 등 영어실력이 뛰어난 선생님, 영어 이외의 지식이나 상식이 뛰어난 선생님. 상담을 잘 해주시고 학생들의 말을 잘 들어주시는 선생님으로 불리고 싶습니다. 영어선생님이 되기 위해서는 4년간의 대학생활 이후에 2년 간 영어학원에서 영어선생님으로 일하면서 영어교육 방법에 대한 전반적인 실력을 키우고 싶습니다. 다음에 1년 동안의 임용고시 준비를 하고 그 다음해에 임용고시를 한 번에 통과하여서 고등학교 영어교사의 길로 들어가고 싶습니다.

*지금 내가 필요한 것들

영어실력을 향상하는 것-Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading

학생들을 쉽게 이해하도록 하는 영어교육법

영어에 대한 자신감

영어 이외의 다양한 지식들

내 꿈에 대한 확신

*지금 내가 해야 할 것들

영어선생님이 되기 위해서는 우선적으로 영어실력을 향상해야 됩니다. 영어실력을 향상시키기 위한 구체적인 방법으로는 실천할 수 있는 여러 가지 방법이 있습니다.

1.영어Writing- 영어 블로그를 꾸준히 관리하면서 영어 일기를 영어작문에 대한 부담감과 어려움을 없애야겠습니다. 영어 작문 시간에 집중하여 영어작문의 기본적인 방법들을 습득하도록 해야겠습니다.

2.영어Listening- 원어민들의 발음을 알아듣기 위해 많은 외국드라마나 외국영화를 자막 없이 듣는 연습을 해야겠습니다. 또한 영어작문, 영어회화, English 1 등에서 만날 수 있는 원어민 교수님들의 말을 집중해서 잘 들어야겠습니다. 또한 학교를 통학할 때 버스나 지하철에서 ‘굿모닝팝스’라는 라디오나 CNN방송 등을 잘 들을 것입니다.

3.영어Reading- 중앙대 HEARD 잡지를 나올 때마다 잘 챙겨서 읽도록 하고, 해리포터나 스크릿 등 집에 있는 원서들을 틈틈이 읽어보도록 하겠습니다. 또한 영어 과외를 준비하면서 학생들의 영어 모의고사 문제들을 잘 읽으면서도 영어 읽기 부분을 준비해야겠습니다.

4.영어Speaking- 가장 준비하기가 어렵고 지금 제일 필요한 부분인데 원어민 교수님과의 대화를 자주 하도록 하고 발표도 많이 하여서 억양이나 발음 연습을 해야겠습니다. 영어 읽기에 대한 두려움을 없애서 자신감 있게 영어로 말하도록 할 예정입니다. 또한 동기들과 영어로 대화하도록 노력해야겠습니다.

또한 효율적인 영어 교육방법을 얻기 위해서는 영어 과외를 통하여서 학생들이 어떻게 하면 가장 이해하기 쉬운지 알아가겠습니다. 또한 학생들이 어려워하는 부분을 알아내서 수업에 강약을 조절할 수 있는 능력을 얻을 것입니다. 또한 영어 학원의 강사로 일하면서 영어 교육의 경력을 쌓도록 할 것입니다.

영어 이외의 개념들이나 상식을 쌓기 위해서는 뉴스와 신문을 항상 잘 읽어서 다방면에서 지식이 뛰어날 수 있도록 하겠습니다.

 *대학 졸업 전까지의 계획

1학년 때는 TOEFL을 준비하여서 교환학생으로 선발되기 위한 성적을 받도록 할 것입니다. 그래서 2학년 2학기-3학년 1학기에 외국으로의 교환학생으로 가서 영어 실력을 쌓고 많은 경험을 하도록 할 예정입니다. 특히 외국의 교환학생으로 원어민 실력의 발음을 얻을 수 있도록 할 것입니다. 또한 영어 과외를 계속 하여서 영어 실력도 높이면서 자금도 마련하도록 할 것입니다. 또한 기회가 된다면 영어학원의 강사로 아르바이트를 할 것입니다. 영어과외와 영어학원에서 일하면서 영어 교육에 대한 경력도 쌓고 영어교육방법을 알 수 있는 기회가 되도록 노력할 것입니다. 학기 중에는 항상 모든 영어 수업에 집중하여서 영어에 대한 전반적인 지식을 확장할 수 있는 기회를 만들 것입니다. 대학 졸업 전까지는 영어를 원어민 수준으로 잘 할 수 있을 정도로 영어 공부를 열심히 할 예정입니다.

 *대학 졸업 후-10년 후까지의 계획

대학 졸업 후 2년 동안은 큰 영어학원에서 영어 강사로 일하면서 많은 학생들을 직접만나서 영어를 가르치는 연습을 하게 될 것입니다. 거기서 학생들과의 소통하는 법도 배우고 학생을 다루는 방법 같은 영어 선생님이 필요한 기초적인 것들을 얻도록 할 예정입니다. 그 후에 만약 영어학원에서 영어 학원 강사라는 직업이 나와 적성에 맞는다면 우선 그 직업을 쭉 할 예정입니다. 그러나 만약 학원 강사라는 직업이 나에게 맞지 않고 불안정하다는 생각이 든다면 영어 선생님이 되기 위한 임용고시 준비를 할 것입니다. 그 임용고시를 정말 잘 준비하여서 한 번에 붙어서 고등학교 영어 선생님으로 교직 생활을 하고 싶습니다.

2011년 4월 9일 토요일

The Topic of 6 Week

Plan your days (years) to achieve your goal. Set up your career goal first and then design your life (study) plan for the coming 2020, 2016 and this year.

You can recognize my dream if you know my major in CAU. For a long time I want to be a English teacher who can teach students impassionedly.

To be a good English teacher, I have to study or know three things in 2011.

  First I need to fluent English skills to teach many students who have various levels. To improve my English skills, i do my best for studying English by many ways. Every day I will listen a English radio program ‘Good Morning Pops’ that provides a lot of information about English and helps to make me feel English is familiar. Also i will read many readings published by English e.g., an English magazine, the original book in English and English news. I have to study English test to pass or get qualification to go abroad to study. I study hard to get good grade in English test e.g., TOEFL, TEPS and TOEIC.

  Second thing needed to be an English teacher is a learning ways to teach effetely English, not same just English skills. It is needed long time to get skills to teach students easier. That can be learned by many activities in private educational institutes or private lessons that I will give to students. From 2011 to 2014 I will tutor English as a part time job. Maybe that time can help me know how to teach effetely and easily.

  Third, I have to build extensive knowledge nor limited English only. For knowledge in varied fields, I should many books and newspapers that can broaden my common senses about politics, economics, and global environments etc.

My daily plan is introduced now. At 5:30 I get up because I take about 2 hours to go school by buses and subways. When I am in motion at buses or subways, I listen radio program for English or English music. And when I have seat, I read a lot of English magazine, the original book in English and English news. And I finish the class in school. Then I go to the library to study English, complete many English assignments or read a lot of books. Next I go back home. For time going back home, I do same activities that I do in morning. At 12:00 I go to bed

  In 2016 maybe I will study for teacher certification examination or pass teacher certification examination already. If I am preparing the test, I study hard English and many subjects to pass in fast time. In 2020 maybe I will be a teacher and teach many students. I will be respected by them and recognized who teach English funnier and easier than any other English teachers. Also I will be popular because of education for upright character not just English skills.

2011년 4월 5일 화요일



English famous saying

He makes no friend who never made a foe. 원수를 만들어보지 않은 사람은 친구도 사귀지 않는다. Alfred, Lord Tennyson(알프레드 테니슨 경)[英시인, 1809-92]

 Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18. 상식은 18세 때까지 후천적으로 얻은 편견의 집합이다. Albert Einstein(앨버트 아인슈타인)[미국 물리학자, 1879-1955]

The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes. 고삐풀린 원자의 힘은 우리의 사고방식을 제외한 모든 것을 바꾸어놓았으며 우리는 미증유의 재난을 향해 표류하고 있다. Albert Einstein(앨버트 아인슈타인)[美물리학자, 1879-1955]

Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. 두려움 때문에 갖는 존경심만큼 비열한 것은 없다. Albert Camus(알베르 카뮈)[프랑스 작가, 1913-1960]

Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other. TV는 사람들이 서로 얼굴을 마주보느니 기꺼이 다른 것을 보려 한다는 것을 입증했다. Ann Landers(앤 랜더스)[미국 칼럼니스트, 1918-]

 It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. 사람은 오로지 가슴으로만 올바로 볼 수 있다. 본질적인 것은 눈에 보이지 않는다. Antoine de Saint-Exupery(앙투안 드 생-텍쥐페리)[프랑스 작가/비행사, 1900-1944]

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. 사랑은 두 사람이 마주 쳐다보는 것이 아니라 함께 같은 방향을 바라보는 것이다. Antoine de Saint-Exupery(앙뜨완느 드 쌩떽쥐베리)[프랑스 작가/비행가, 1900-44]

Business? It's quite simple. It's other people's money. 사업? 그건 아주 간단하다. 다른 사람들의 돈이다. Alexandre Dumas(알렉산드르 듀마) I

 would as soon leave my son a curse as the almighty dollar. 아들에게 돈을 물려주는 것은 저주를 하는 것이나 다름없다. Andrew Carnegie(앤드류 카네기)

 A great writer is, so to speak, a second government in his country. And for that reason no regime has ever loved great writers,only minor ones. 위대한 작가는 말하자면 그의 나라에서는 제2의 정부이다. 그렇기 때문에 어떤 정권도 별볼일 없는 작가라면 몰라도 위대한 작가를 좋아한 적이 없다. Alexander Solzhenitsyn(알렉산더 솔제니친)[작가, 1918-]

 You don't live in a world all alone. Your brothers are here too. 당신은 이 세상에서 혼자 사는 것이 아닙니다. 당신의 형제들도 있습니다. Albert Schweitzer(의사 선교사, 1875-1965)

A hungry man is not a free man. 배고픈 사람은 자유로운 사람이 아니다. Adlai Stevenson(아들라이 스티븐슨)[미국 정치가, 1900-1965]

To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything. 안다는 것은 전혀 중요하지 않다; 상상하는 것이 가장 중요하다. Anatole France(아나톨 프랑스)[佛작가, 1844-1924]

Truth is generally the best vindication against slander. 일반적으로 진실이 중상모략에 대한 최선의 해명이다. Abraham Lincoln(에이브러햄 링컨)[미국 대통령, 1809-1865]

The computer is only a fast idiot; it has no imagination; it cannot originate action. It is, and will remain, only a tool of man. 컴퓨터는 민첩한 바보이다, 상상력도 없고 스스로 행동할 수도 없다. 현재에도 미래에도 컴퓨터는 단지 인간의 도구일 뿐이다. American Library Association's 1964 statement about the Univac (미국도서관협회의 Univac[전자계산기 상품명]에 관한 1964년도 성명서)

 It is my intention to present - through the medium of photography - intuitive observations of the natural world which may have meaning to the spectators. 내가 의도하는 것은 관객에게 의미가 있을 것 같은 자연에 대한 직관적인 관찰을 사진이라는 매체를 통해 보여주는 것이다. Ansel Adams(앤셀 애덤스)[미국 풍경사진작가, 1902-1984]

America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail it knocks over a chair. 미국은 아주 작은 방 속에 있는 크고 다정한 개 같아서 꼬리를 흔들 때마다 의자를 넘어뜨린다. Arnold Toynbee(아놀드 토인비)[영국史家, 1889-1975]

The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows. 사업의 비결은 다른 사람들은 아무도 모르고 있는 무엇인가를 아는 것이다. Aristotle Onassis(아리스토틀 오나시스)[그리스 해운업자, 1906-1975]

One man with courage makes a majority. 용기있는 한 사람이 다수의 힘을 갖느다. Andrew Jackson(앤드류 잭슨)[美대통령, 1767-1845]

Television has a real problem. They have no page two. 텔레비전은 한가지 심각한 문제를 안고 있다. 바로 두번째 페이지가 없다는 것이다. Art Buchwald(아트 버크윌드)[美칼럼니스트, 1925-]

 Man is born to live, not to prepare for life. Life itself, the phenomenon of life, the gift of life,is so breathtakingly serious! 사람은 살려고 태어나는 것이지 인생을 준비하려고 태어나는 것은 아니다. 인생 그 자체, 인생의 현상, 인생이 가져다 주는 선물은 숨이 막히도록 진지하다! Boris Pasternak(보리스 파스테르나크)[러시아 시인/소설가, 1890-1960]

2011년 4월 3일 일요일

David Oh - Abracadabra (Original)


Your eyes are beautiful
You take my breathe away
When you call my name
Why do I feel so faint

Is it a miracle?
Or is it a spell
You've cast over me

I've fallen for your charm today
I just can't seem to break away
Every time I try to pull away
I just can't seem to escape
From your spell
I am yours

Every time I try to pull away
I just can't seem to escape
You cast a spell
And now I'm yours

One touch of your skin
My world goes all blank
When you look my way
Why can't I find words to say
Am I bewitched
Or is this a spell
You've cast over me

I've fallen for you
I've fallen for you
I've fallen into your spell

Theres nothing I can do
I'm captivated by this love
I am yours

Grammar rules

Grammar rules  – although the term may evoke memories of endless memorization of dry rules with no apparent use, grammar can actually be a fascinating subject. English grammar rules are actually very useful if not vital for English usage and English writing, if one wants to get messages across confidently and effectively. The rules of grammar tell us how we should form words and sentences in a way that is accepted as "grammatical" or correct, as the rules reflect the inherent structure of a language. Some linguists also include orthography (spelling, capitalization, and punctuation), semantics (word meaning) and pragmatics (language use in context) under a wider definition of grammar.

Grammar rules help us for many communicative purposes. For example, to talk about our past job experience at a job interview, we apply the rules for the present perfect tense. The rules for forming conditional sentences help us to express contrary to fact wishes, assumptions or regrets about missed opportunities, whereas the present simple tense is used to talk about hard facts and regular habits. In English writing, adjective clauses and verbal clauses help us add more information and enrich our sentences, while the rules governing conjunctions and transitional adverbs are vital when we want our text to appear coherent with logically related parts.

Knowing basic grammar terms such as verb, noun, adjective, adverb, phrase and clause is important in order to be able to analyze and improve your language performance, whether in your native language or even more so in a new language you are learning. Even though English grammar rules are considered simpler than those of French, German, Russian, Hindi or Arabic, many questions about the correctness and clarity of your sentences should arise while writing. In addition, as writing is a process demanding a considerable mental effort, most writers tend to inadvertently misuse the grammar rules and make mistakes, some of which have been found to be of common practice. As a leading English writing and grammar software, WhiteSmoke functions as your personal online editor, which corrects your grammar and does much more to help you improve your writing.

The attentive writer, however experienced, should always look for potential problem areas when applying the grammar rules of verb tenses (e.g. did vs. have done), subject-verb agreement (e.g. The results show vs. The result show), pronoun usage (e.g. he, his, him, himself), word order (e.g. subject-verb-object), sentence fragments and run-ons, sentence variety and the use of determiners (e.g. a, the, this, my), prepositions (e.g. in, on, at, during), gerunds and many more. Should isn't or doesn't be used? When is an s with apostrophe really necessary? All these are issues which good writing has to address in order to appear professional, confident and persuasive.

2011년 4월 2일 토요일


When I was a high school student, I expected a MT that is likened to flowers of university. So before I went to go there, I eagerly anticipated many funny things that are going to happen! We met at CAU to go to YMCA in Il-san by bus. Many friends and seniors were very excited and funny!^^We ate lunch and met there professors and seniors. We went to go a big playground for many sports activities that I didn’t do for a long time such as a dodge ball, a kickball and a relay race etc.…I was so surprised that professors actively participated and run faster than my friends. I felt that excising together was very good thing to make some people close. After that we talked in the rooms, played games and took photos each other. Most importantly we practiced for a talent show competition held that night.'Night of English Education Department' started ! The professors also performed. They are good singers so I surprised their song and singing abilities was excellent~! I saw many great dance and song that made me know their endeavor and practice.

Journal Topic of This Week 5

The Topic of this Week (Journal):

What is your study goal? for this year? Is English a part of your goal? What do you plan to achieve your goal? Tell us about your dream. What do you hope to do 10 years later?

I have a lots of my study goals for this year. I want to do these things impassionedly.

First, I have to read many books, newspapers and read editorials about varied field. When I was a high school student, I had no time to read many wrings, because I took a long time to study for entering University. But now I have a lot of time I can take to read something. These days, in bus and subway to go school, I read many books or newspapers.

Second, I want to improve my English skills. There are a lot of reasons I have to study. When I finish a midterm exam, I plan to give many private lessons or to teach many students in English private educational institutes. And I want to get a good grade at TOFLE to go abroad for studying. Also I want to catch up others in my department whose English skills are so good and who are like native speakers or really are native speakers. Most important reason is for my future. There are many time to need English skills, e.g., to enter the offices, to pass many tests or to communicate with foreigners. So everyday morning in subway or bus to go school, I listen radio ‘Good Morning Pops’ that has many English contents and read CAU HERALD, a English journal published in CAU. I do my best for study listening, reading, speaking and writing English!

My study goal of English is making me freely communicate using only English. Now I feel many burdens to learn English with many good-English-skills or friends using English like a native speaker. And many activities or assignments that have to be completed by English are so hard to me and are need much time to complete. Specially speaking and writing English make me crazy. Those are unfamiliar to me. Because when I was a middle school or high school student, there was a little time to learn speaking and writing English. So I think education in Korea is changed more various about a way to teach English.

2011년 3월 29일 화요일

Tsunami ravaging Kesennuma port

About Me

Hi, everyone! Let me introduce myself. My name is Youn-ah Kim. I'm 20 years old. I was born in Suwon in June 23 and for childhood I lived there but I have lived in In-cheon since 1997. I can't remember accurately my childhood. But my mom says that I was a unfearing girl because I collected a lot of insects and observed that. Also I was a very active girl, because I played out of door till evening. This characters are being continued right up unill now.
In my family there are four members . Father, mother, younger brother and me. My father always helps and supports me whenever I am in adversities. My mother They are wonderful and devoted parents. My brother is 18 years old and he is being in Song-do highschool. Sometimes I fight with him, but we talk together whenever we are in trouble. We are the best friends. 
I'm very surprised that ENFP and my personality is completely same! ENFP is ' enthusiastic, high spirited and ect.. I usually decide on impulse and act impulsively without a plan. Even though I took a long time to make plans, many plans is useless. And I can't continue doing something for a ling time, so I usually can't finish that and do something new.
My character most important is an outgoing personality. I like to meet many friends and to talk together. When I talk with friends about many trivial things, we are unaware of the time. Associating with many new people makes me become heightened in spirits. It is influenced by my sociable parents and crowded home with a lots of guests.
I'm not good at English but I like English and studying English is very fun. I'm proud of my university and my major. My dream is a English teacher. When I was young, I didn't want to be a English teacher because I have a many dreams I want to be. However, while studying English at high school, I met passionate English teacher who changed my awareness of English and made me learn English playfully . I realized that studying and teaching English subject can be very joyful. So I set entering to be English education Department. As a result, I entered English education Department of Chung-Ang University with dream. I want to be a 'indeed' teacher who is respected and loved by students.
Thanks for listening :)

Journal Topic of Week 4

Stundents these days tend to really care their English teacher's pronunciation. They seem to believe that English teachers should pronounce just like a native speakers of English. What do you think about this belief? How would you react to this attitude (belief)?

I met many English teachers in schools or a lot of English academies. The best English teacher who helps me improve my English skills greatly didn’t have a good pronunciation. But he can teach properly and most impassionedly. Also I and many his students didn’t care his pronunciation and concentrated his teaching a lot of English skills. Maybe some teachers, who have good English pronunciation, of course, can help students have better pronunciation than other teachers. But I think the most important and the most essential purpose of learning English is a communication, not having only good pronunciations and accents.

In my opinion, the most essential goal of learning English is not having native pronunciation. Learning English practical basic skills such as reading, listening, writing and speaking is more important than just having native accent. So I think in Korea many English teachers should try not only to have a good pronunciation but also to have English basic skills.

As a result they try to have many basic of English and practice to pronounce correctly and fluently though not a native speakers.

2011년 3월 19일 토요일

TED: Why we have too few women leaders. - Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg makes me recognize how to act in man-dominated world. As A WOMAN, maybe I have more difficulties than MEN to live. BUT I follow Sheryl Sandberg's advices and act confidently to resist the pressure.

2011년 3월 17일 목요일


http://cici5603.blog.me/30087029059    -Korean
Warmly enthusiastic, high spirited, ingenious, imaginative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Quick with a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anyone with a problem. Often rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance. Can usually find compelling reasons for whatever they want.


I'm very surprised that ENFP and my personality is completely same! fully same!

 I usually decide on impulse and act impulsively without a plan also though I took a long time to make a lots of plans, many plans is  useless. And I can't continue doing something for a ling time, so I usually can't finish that and do something new.
 I have an acute sense about a relationship or psychology. So I am slippy and quick-witted. Also I can catch their thought by observing their expression. So my nick name, Sherlock Homes proves that I'm intuitive.
 My character most important is an outgoing and extrovertish personality. I like to meet many acquaintances and friends and to talk together. When I talk with friends about many trivial things, we are unaware of the time. Also I approach other people before they do. Associating with many new people makes me become heightened in spirits. It is influenced by my sociable parents and crowded home with a lots of guests
 Next, I take the initiative. When I start something, I take action for myself earlier than any other. For 9 years, I served as the president or a vice president of my class. So I am used to leading the friends. I like more leading someone than following someone.

This activities makes me rethink my personalities. Also I can grasp my pros and cons. Some characters is needed to change for my better life, So I have to try to correct my shortcomings such as an explosive temperament, not finishing the works and ect. Also, I have to improve my good virtues .

2011년 3월 15일 화요일

my type

Myths of English Teaching

1.English can be mastered in shorter time.
2.Memorizing vocabulary dramatically helps perfect proficiecy
3.Studying Toefl is the best way to improve English.
4.NES can alway better help language learning (than NNES)
5.Studying English in the other contries is the only way to master English.
6. There is a secret way to improve English.

Myth and Beliefs of Effetive English Teaching


Journal Topic of This Week II blush
What type of English teacher do you want to be? Describe an idealistic figure of English teacher in your mind and explain why.

To be a good English teacher, many qualifications is needed.

First of all, good English teachers need to have a good command of English.
English ability for English teacher is very basic and necessary.
They  should write, listen, speak and read English freely.
 Many students in a class have very diffrent lever of English.
Teaching many students by lever is very hard to do without fluency in English.
So many English teacher need to study English consistently.

Second, good English teacher have to many background knowledge.
A lot of students throw a number of questions about various fields.
They usually think that teachers know everything from every field.
So good English teacher need to have common sense and varied knowlegde.

Third, to be a good English teacher, we need to communicate freindly with a lots of students.
It is very basic requirement to be a teacher.
Also alking with students is a important factor to make them study English.
Because many sudents are poor at speaking English in difficult situation.
So we make them be a relaxed atmospheres by accessible communication with them.

2011년 3월 13일 일요일

break time!

It's break time~^.^
I rest with Sung-a in the computer room.at CAU.
We eat CAU burgers and fried potatos very delicious~~
I have no time to write because Hee-jae call us.
So  this diary is so short. :(

2011년 3월 11일 금요일

The real friendship

These days i often think about my old high school life, which was an amazing time for me. It is true that it was also the hardest time of my life, how i had to study alot, everyday, 24/7. But now i realize that how great and lucky it was for me to go through those times with my good friends. All of us had hard times studying, putting all our efforts in and deciding what university to go. However, we also had such good times that i'll never be able to forget. Eating lunch together, going to library together, sharing informations or sometimes fighting over something really small. But all of these added up to make us tight enough that i still miss them so much untill now. It's true that i am having so much fun in new school, involving with new activities that i've never done before, with my new friends. And sometimes i am only concentrated in the new life style of mine and forget about my old, but who are the people that i go to when i get hurt or exhausted from my life? They are my high school friends, because i know that they will be always there for me and back me up whenever i need their help. Its somehow really funny that we don't even need to talk to each other everyday but we all know that everything is going well and fine. I think this is what its called "The real friendship". You don't need to say a word but they'll alredy know everything. Hopefully i can contact all my high school friends untill when i am thirty or fourty OR maybe till hundred :) I miss you all, and love you guys!