• Talk about developing your self-access learning blog. What functions and resources are you interested in?
Making and developing myself-access learning blog is a very unfamiliar and new studying method to me. Many activities in my blog help me prove my English skills and use practical English. Various and interesting activities include posting pictures or videos that might be about everything without limit. In addition, we can write diaries and many data written by English. We can also design SALB freely and post something called by ‘gadget’ that include very various fields such as about studying English, for fun or dictionaries.
• What barriers do you perceive? What do you attempt to especially emphasize in designing your SALB?
When I do not have time to manage my blog reguarly, it is a hard and inefficient method to study English. It takes a long time to post materials and manage blog. Posting material about English regularly is a little complicated work.
I attempt to emphasize much information about English in designing my blog. I post lots of gadgets about English such as vocabulary, English saying or dictionaries.
• Write and submit the details of your SALB plan on your blog. Your plan should include:
o Purpose
to study English. I want to practice writing English by posting many journals and diaries,
to share my interest with my friends. My favorite singers, movies..
o Organizations (subcategories)
- journals - diaries -interviews -materials of English
o List of Links in each category
a lot of Links- news, English words of Toeic, Toefl, English dictionaries, saying of English, search engines, o Planning (how to use it),
I will post many materials of English, diaries that include my life in univercity, Ted videos reguarly. When I write the diaries, I can go into training to write such as vocaburaly, grammar etc.
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